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We Can't Breathe Inc.'s mission is to eliminate all forms of violence -

and advance health equity by healing traumatic adverse experiences through local and global education, community dialogue, and policy advocacy.


We demand This Stops Today to advocate for Not One More body lost to police violence and the punitive carceral systems established across the globe. We believe police violence is not a white vs black vs ‘blue’ argument, it is everyone standing against institutional racism collectively.


We are the Children of the Movement, a youth led and centered Justice Project building an intergenerational and intersectional movement. We hold the institutions, created to provide safety and enforce the law, accountable to the people as we disrupt the reckless reign of terror in all communities - without recourse - and the over criminalization of marginalized communities. We believe that #BlackMindsMatter and focus on mental health rooted in restorative healing while advocating for policies ‘with teeth’ to meet the needs of every person to live free from fear.

We Can’t Breathe Inc. originated in 2018 following the 2014 murder of Eric Garner by NYC police officers and subsequent fatal heart attack 3 years later in 2017 of Erica Garner, who was 27 years old when she passed from a literal broken heart. The impact of violence on the Garner family fell heavily on Emerald Snipes-Garner who, at 25 years old, assumed the care-giving responsibility of her young niece and nephew and became a single-parent of three young children. Their bright eyes and the possibilities of a bright future became Emerald’s motivation to alleviate the injustices associated with the significant trauma of police brutality.

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